Fieldlab Vertical Farming

Interviews: purpose and approach

    • Goal: exploring images, familiarity and added value Vertical
      Farming (VF) for leafy vegetables, fresh herbs and soft fruit, from
      chain parties perspective
    • Objective: exploring images, familiarity and added value Vertical Farming (VF) for leafy vegetables, fresh herbs and soft fruit, from the perspective of chain parties
      ■ Block 1: The challenges as a buyer / cat. manager
      ■ Block 2: Possible place of VF herein, common and cordoned off tegen gangbaar en biologisch

Interview: content block 1

    • What does your job entail? role i.r.t. Fresh produce purchase/assortment? What are objectives, targets?
    • Are you trying to meet specific consumer needs? What are the challenges here?
    • What must a fruit and vegetable product meet? What helps you achieve your objectives, targets? And what makes it difficult?
    • What quality characteristics (with regard to product, supplier, service) do you expect?

Interview: content block 2

    • Are you familiar with VF? What does it mean for you?
    • What advantages do you see from VF (compared to conventional and organic)? What features do you appreciate?
    • What disadvantages of VF do you see?
    • What shifts in the assortment do you expect and does this offer opportunities for VF?
    • Does VF match your image as a company?
    • What could be decisive features of VF to include it in the range?

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